On May 26, 2011, at 16:32 , Julian Foad wrote:
> On Thu, 2011-05-26 at 13:42 +0200, Stephen Butler wrote:
>> I've assigned issue 3899 "forbid wc-wc copy/move of conflict victims"
>> to myself, but I think it needs a little more discussion.
>> The basic idea is that the conflict data (including marker files) includes
>> references to "their" version from the repository, which would be invalid
>> anywhere else in the working copy.
> Why would a repos location be invalid? What do you mean exactly?
That the repos location mentioned in the conflict data doesn't match the
repos location of the copy/move target.
Suppose I check out ^/trunk to /tmp/wc, and later there's a conflict at
/tmp/wc/A. If I
cd /tmp/wc
svn mv A B
then B has conflict data derived from ^/trunk/A, which doesn't make
sense anymore.
We could remove the conflict data (from the copy/move target)
automatically, I suppose, perhaps with an implicit '--accept mine-full'.
This would require supporting --accept for tree conflicts, which we
haven't designed yet.
>> In an issue comment, Philip says:
>> Perhaps we should simply prohibit copies where a conflict exists?
>> That would also solve another problem: actual-only node conflicts
>> are not copied.
>> Along those lines, I propose to forbid copy or moving:
>> 1. any conflict victim (text, property, or tree)
>> 2. any directory containing conflicted children
>> 3. any child of a tree-conflicted directory
>> These apply to the move/copy source only. Resolving a tree conflict
>> may require copying or moving an item /into/ a conflicted tree.
>> Also, a property conflict on a directory should not prevent copying or
>> moving the directory's children.
>> Comments?
>> I have a simple solution for #1 above, and the beginning of a test.
>> I'll commit them if I get a +1.
>> Regards,
>> Steve
Stephen Butler | Senior Consultant
elego Software Solutions GmbH
Gustav-Meyer-Allee 25 | 13355 Berlin | Germany
tel: +49 30 2345 8696 | mobile: +49 163 25 45 015
fax: +49 30 2345 8695 | http://www.elegosoft.com
Geschäftsführer: Olaf Wagner | Sitz der Gesellschaft: Berlin
Amtsgericht Charlottenburg HRB 77719 | USt-IdNr: DE163214194
Received on 2011-05-26 17:26:14 CEST