2011/5/16 Branko Čibej <brane_at_e-reka.si>:
> On 16.05.2011 03:13, Hyrum K Wright wrote:
>> Several places in wc_db we use the following pattern to select all
>> nodes with a common tree ancestor:
>> WHERE wc_id = ?1 AND (local_relpath = ?2 OR local_relpath LIKE ?3 ESCAPE '#')
>> While this works, there was some concern about whether or not SQLite
>> was using the proper indicies when executing this query. By examining
>> the output for 'EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN' on some of the relevant SELECT
>> statements, I believe it does use the indicies as intended.
>> However, I stumbled across an alternate implementation which I believe
>> has some merit. Instead of the above clause, we could use:
>> WHERE wc_id = ?1 AND substr(local_relpath, 1, length(?2)) = ?2
>> This also avoids a table scan by making use of the indicies, but has
>> the advantage of not having to compute a separate parameter for the
>> LIKE clause in C. It returns the same results, and has the benefit of
>> being a bit more clear to SQLite what we're trying to accomplish. I'm
>> tempted to switch our code to using this new format, but wanted some
>> comments first. I have not yet run extensive timing or other analysis
>> on the performance.
>> Thoughts?
>> -Hyrum
> Can't be right. I'm assuming the first query works correctly iff:
> ?2 = foo
> ?3 = foo/%
> and returns 'foo' and all its subtree.
> The second query can't return the same results; if ?2=foo, it'll match
> foobar, which is not foo's child; if ?2=foo/, it won't return foo.
That's what I get for writing mail at 3am.
I believe the following would fix this:
WHERE wc_id = ?1 AND (local_relpath = ?2 OR substr(local_relpath, 1,
length(?2 + 1)) = ?2 || '/')
Received on 2011-05-16 09:39:33 CEST