Neels Hofmeyr wrote on Wed, May 11, 2011 at 01:31:02 +0200:
> The most recent benchmark suggests that the 'svn delete' performance
> problem I was complaining about earlier is not only gone but completely
> reversed. 'svn delete' is now EXTREMELY fast when compared to 1.6.
> Amazing.
> Also, one has to look really hard for timings where trunk is slower.
> Quite remarkable perf improvement happening these days.
> A-ma-zing!
> ~Neels
Are you sure? The script's output seems a little bit too consistent: wrote on Tue, May 10, 2011 at 11:57:35 +0000:
> ("1.23|+0.45" means factor=1.23, difference in seconds = 0.45
> factor < 1 or difference < 0 means '5x5_trunk' is faster than '5x5_1.6')
> ("1.23|+0.45" means factor=1.23, difference in seconds = 0.45
> factor < 1 or difference < 0 means '100x1_trunk' is faster than '100x1_1.6')
> ("1.23|+0.45" means factor=1.23, difference in seconds = 0.45
> factor < 1 or difference < 0 means '1x100_trunk' is faster than '1x100_1.6')
> ("1.23|+0.45" means factor=1.23, difference in seconds = 0.45
> factor < 1 or difference < 0 means 'total_trunk' is faster than 'total_1.6')
Received on 2011-05-11 02:01:44 CEST