On Thu, Mar 31, 2011 at 7:11 PM, Stefan Sperling <stsp_at_elego.de> wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 31, 2011 at 01:04:20PM -0400, Mark Phippard wrote:
>> On Thu, Mar 31, 2011 at 1:01 PM, Stefan Sperling <stsp_at_elego.de> wrote:
>> >> Yes, I believe so. That was also the thread on users@ that made me
>> >> add this scenario into these benchmarks.
>> >
>> > Mark, can you run the tests with this branch?
>> > ^/subversion/branches/1.6.x-issue3719
>> > Maybe it helps.
>> I am not the one that ran these tests.
> Someone with a windows system should run them, then.
> I don't have such a system.
>> 1.7 shows some improvement but
>> it is not back to the 1.5.x level.
> Well, 1.7 already has the issue #3719 fix. But 1.6.x does not.
> Finding out whether or not the issue #3719 problem contributes
> most to the time spent during checkout in 1.6.x would already
> give us valuable information.
Ok, I've run the "Binaries tests" benchmarks on 1.6.x-issue3719 on my
WinXP, and compared with my previous results of 1.6.16 (SlikSVN
release) and 1.7 (r1086021). Checkout and switch are much better
(close to 1.7).
The numbers:
=================== TEST RESULTS ==================
SVN Version: 1.6.16-SlikSvn-tag-1.6.16_at_1076804-WIN32
<snip Basic, Merge and Folders tests />
Tests: Binaries Tests
Action Time Millis
---------- --------- ---------
Bin-co: 10:08.313 608313
Bin-up-r25: 3:30.593 210593
Bin-sw: 9:06.563 546563
Bin-cleanup: 0:02.015 2015
Bin-rm: 0:02.610 2610
Bin-st: 0:00.454 454
Bin-commit: 0:07.500 7500
Bin-mv: 0:06.328 6328
Bin-st-mv: 0:00.750 750
Bin-commit: 0:03.485 3485
svnversion: 0:00.562 562
=================== END RESULTS ==================
Total execution time: 56:46.500 3406500
Results in wiki format:
Binaries Tests:
| 1.6.16-SlikSvn-tag-1.6.16_at_1076804-WIN32 | rNNNNNNNN | 10:08.313 |
3:30.593 | 9:06.563 | 0:02.015 | 0:02.610 | 0:00.454 | 0:07.500 |
0:06.328 | 0:00.750 | 0:03.485 | 0:00.562
=================== TEST RESULTS ==================
SVN Version: 1.6.x-issue3719
Tests: Binaries Tests
Action Time Millis
---------- --------- ---------
Bin-co: 5:23.312 323312
Bin-up-r25: 2:34.938 154938
Bin-sw: 4:28.688 268688
Bin-cleanup: 0:00.719 719
Bin-rm: 0:05.390 5390
Bin-st: 0:00.344 344
Bin-commit: 0:02.468 2468
Bin-mv: 0:04.860 4860
Bin-st-mv: 0:00.437 437
Bin-commit: 0:05.094 5094
svnversion: 0:00.922 922
=================== END RESULTS ==================
Total execution time: 13:10.703 790703
Results in wiki format:
Binaries Tests:
| 1.6.x-issue3719 | r1088808 | 5:23.312 | 2:34.938 | 4:28.688 |
0:00.719 | 0:05.390 | 0:00.344 | 0:02.468 | 0:04.860 | 0:00.437 |
0:05.094 | 0:00.922
=================== TEST RESULTS ==================
SVN Version: 1.7.0-dev
<snip Basic, Merge and Folders tests />
Tests: Binaries Tests
Action Time Millis
---------- --------- ---------
Bin-co: 4:36.109 276109
Bin-up-r25: 0:22.172 22172
Bin-sw: 3:33.875 213875
Bin-cleanup: 0:00.172 172
Bin-rm: 0:03.890 3890
Bin-st: 0:00.454 454
Bin-commit: 0:04.265 4265
Bin-mv: 0:03.703 3703
Bin-st-mv: 0:00.453 453
Bin-commit: 0:07.219 7219
svnversion: 0:00.610 610
=================== END RESULTS ==================
Total execution time: 21:38.859 1298859
Results in wiki format:
Binaries Tests:
| 1.7.0-dev | r1086021 | 4:36.109 | 0:22.172 | 3:33.875 | 0:00.172 |
0:03.890 | 0:00.454 | 0:04.265 | 0:03.703 | 0:00.453 | 0:07.219 |
Received on 2011-04-05 01:10:26 CEST