On Sun, Mar 27, 2011 at 05:30:53PM -0400, Mark Phippard wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 27, 2011 at 2:54 PM, Stefan Sperling <stsp_at_elego.de> wrote:
> > I've run these tests on OpenBSD 4.9 (amd64) and got the following results:
> Thanks. I added your results to the wiki
> https://ctf.open.collab.net/sf/wiki/do/viewPage/projects.csvn/wiki/HomePage
New results with current trunk, same system:
=================== TEST RESULTS ==================
SVN Version: 1.7.0-dev
Tests: Basic Tests
Action Time Millis
---------- --------- ---------
Checkout: 0:30.401 30401
Update: 1:02.236 62236
Switch: 0:02.076 2076
Proplist: 0:01.078 1078
Status: 0:00.212 212
Commit: 0:02.701 2701
svnversion: 0:00.143 143
Tests: Merge Tests
Action Time Millis
---------- --------- ---------
Merge-all: 0:13.008 13008
Merge-revert: 0:03.715 3715
Merge-synch: 0:06.428 6428
Merge-reintegrate: 0:07.642 7642
Tests: Folder Tests
Action Time Millis
---------- --------- ---------
Folder-co: 6:52.888 412888
Folder-st: 0:01.221 1221
Folder-ci: 0:12.875 12875
Folder-up: 0:05.152 5152
svnversion: 0:01.698 1698
Tests: Binaries Tests
Action Time Millis
---------- --------- ---------
Bin-co: 3:16.865 196865
Bin-up-r25: 0:10.058 10058
Bin-sw: 1:50.304 110304
Bin-cleanup: 0:00.173 173
Bin-rm: 0:22.459 22459
Bin-st: 0:00.413 413
Bin-commit: 0:04.443 4443
Bin-mv: 0:15.467 15467
Bin-st-mv: 0:00.415 415
Bin-commit: 0:07.940 7940
svnversion: 0:00.414 414
=================== END RESULTS ==================
Total execution time: 17:58.256 1078256
Results in wiki format:
Basic Tests:
| 1.7.0-dev | r1088692 | 0:30.401 | 1:02.236 | 0:02.076 | 0:01.078 | 0:00.212 | 0:02.701 | 0:00.143
Merge Tests:
| 1.7.0-dev | r1088692 | 0:13.008 | 0:03.715 | 0:06.428 | 0:07.642
Folder Tests:
| 1.7.0-dev | r1088692 | 6:52.888 | 0:01.221 | 0:12.875 | 0:05.152 | 0:01.698
Binaries Tests:
| 1.7.0-dev | r1088692 | 3:16.865 | 0:10.058 | 1:50.304 | 0:00.173 | 0:22.459 | 0:00.413 | 0:04.443 | 0:15.467 | 0:00.415 | 0:07.940 | 0:00.414
Received on 2011-04-04 20:36:52 CEST