Hey Greg,
Thanks a lot for the reply, very cool of you.
On the long time no talk, I crawled under a rock after getting beat bloody
by the open source guys, something about helping people and getting
shit on for it wasn't working for me :) Slowly crawling back out.
Thanks for the variable, and the name rocks. BitKeeper has one like
that too, can't remember, but it is something like
We are trying to avoid parsing the dump format unless we have to. Just
want to keep it simple.
BTW, our importer is written in L which is a scripting language we did.
Open source though we haven't released it officially (if you want it
ask, we'll give you the source). It's sort of C + perl. Here's the
code for the svn2bk stuff. Feedback welcome.
Thanks again for the info - that helps.
* This is a little SVN to BK importer written in L.
* It does not attempt to handle
* renames (other than copy/delete pretty much like SVN)
* multiple branches
* Usage:
* # Initial import:
* svn2bk [-hHOST] [-r<start>[..<stop]] <svn_url> <dir>
* # Incremental import in the top dir of the repo:
* svn2bk -i [-hHOST] [-r..<stop>]
* -hHOST set the hostname used for checkins
* -i incremental, import whatever has been added
* -rstart start at this commit in the svn repo
* -rstop stop at this one (default HEAD)
typedef struct {
string user; // username who did the check in
string date; // 2007-05-13 03:21:54 -0700
string cmts[]; // array of comments for the commit
} delta;
delta log{int}; // cache of the entire log
int revs[]; // ordered list of revs for this branch
string q = "q"; // -v turns this off and makes bk noisy
main(int ac, string av[])
string c, host, url, dir;
int start, stop; // if set, do this range.
int i, incremental;
if (0) ac = 0; // lint
while (defined(c = getopt(av, "h:ir:v", undef))) {
switch (c) {
case "h": host = optarg; break;
case "i": incremental = 1; break;
case "r":
if (optarg =~ /(.+)\.\.(.+)/) {
start = (int)$1;
stop = (int)$2;
} else if (optarg =~ /^\.\.(.+)/) {
stop = (int)$1;
} else {
start = (int)optarg;
case "v": q = ""; break;
default: usage(-1);
url = av[optind++];
dir = av[optind];
ifndef (start) start = 1;
ifdef (host) setenv("BK_HOST", host);
setenv("CLOCK_DRIFT", "1");
unless (defined(getenv("BK_HOST"))) usage(0);
unless ((defined(url) && defined(dir)) || defined(incremental)) {
ifdef (incremental) {
unless (isdir(".bk") && isdir(".svn")) {
fprintf(stderr, "Not at a BK/SVN root\n");
} else unless (defined(setup(start, url, dir))) {
ifndef (getlog(incremental, ++start, stop)) usage(3);
for (i = 0; defined(revs[i]); i++) {
* Create an empty bk repo and the intial svn repo
* We want to end up with .bk next to .svn
setup(int start, string url, string dir)
string bk = "${dir}/bk";
ifndef (system("svn co -q -r${start} ${url} ${dir}")) return (undef);
* Set up a repo inside the svn repo
f = fopen("${dir}/.bk_config", "w");
fprintf(f, "checkout:edit\n");
fprintf(f, "clockskew:on\n");
fprintf(f, "partial_check:on\n");
ifndef (system("bk setup -f -c${dir}/.bk_config ${bk}")) return (undef);
system("tar -C${bk} -cf- . | tar -C${dir} -xf-");
system("rm -rf ${bk}");
if (isdir(bk)) die("rm failed\n");
if (isdir("bk")) die("rm failed2\n");
setenv("BK_CONFIG", "clockskew=1!;compression:off!");
setenv("BK_DOTBK", "BitKeeper/tmp/dotbk");
// Prune the top level one, we'll grep out the others
system("bk ignore '.svn -prune'");
system("bk -cxU | grep -v '/\.svn/ | bk ci -a${q}ly'SVN ${start}' -");
system("bk _eula -a");
system("bk commit -${q}y'SVN ${start}'");
return (0);
* Import a SVN commit.
* We get the updates, then
* - for each file that is not checked out, svn deleted it so we delete it
* - for each modified/extra we check those in with the comment/user/date
* from the log message.
cset(int rev)
string buf, tmp;
fprintf(stderr, "=== SVN ${rev} ===\n");
ifndef (system("svn update -q -r${rev}")) return (undef);
tmp = "BitKeeper/tmp/comments";
f = fopen(tmp, "w");
foreach (buf in log{rev}.cmts) {
fprintf(f, "%s\n", buf);
setenv("BK_USER", log{rev}.user);
setenv("BK_DATE_TIME_ZONE", log{rev}.date);
system("bk -U^G rm -f");
system("bk -xcU | grep -v '/\.svn/' | bk ci -a${q}lY${tmp} -");
f = fopen(tmp, "a");
fprintf(f, "SVN: %d\n", rev);
system("bk commit -${q}Y${tmp}");
return (0);
* Load up the log, we'll use it for our commits.
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* r59 | mcccol | 2007-04-17 18:23:39 -0700 (Tue, 17 Apr 2007) | 4 lines
* removed logging, started using Debug.error
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* r60 | mcccol | 2007-04-17 18:25:08 -0700 (Tue, 17 Apr 2007) | 4 lines
* * Added fixbad to utf8 to repair damaged utf8
* * made regexps variables to preserver their regexp intrep
* etc.
getlog(int incremental, int start, int stop)
int i, rev;
string cmts[];
string buf;
ifdef (incremental) {
start = (int)`svn info | grep Revision: | awk '{print $NF}'`;
ifdef (stop) {
if (stop <= start) {
fprintf(stderr, "Already up to or past %d\n", stop);
f = popen("svn log -r${start}:${stop} 2>@stderr", "r");
} else {
f = popen("svn log -r${start}:HEAD 2>@stderr", "r");
unless (defined(buf = <f>) && (buf =~ /^[-]+$/)) {
done: fprintf(stderr, "Seems like you are up to date.\n");
return (0);
while (!eof(f)) {
unless (defined(buf = <f>)) {
unless (buf =~ /^r(\d+) \| ([^|]+) \| ([^(]+)/) {
die("expected rev/date: ${buf}\n");
rev = (int)$1;
push(&revs, rev);
log{rev}.user = (string)$2;
log{rev}.date = (string)$3;
buf = <f>; // toss the blank line
undef(cmts); // toss previous comments
while (defined(buf = <f>)) {
if ((length(buf) == 72) && (buf =~ /^[-]+$/)) break;
push(&cmts, buf);
* Lose trailing blank lines, they serve no purpose.
for (i = length(cmts)-1; i >= 0; i--) {
unless (cmts[i] =~ /^\s*$/) break;
cmts[i] = undef;
log{rev}.cmts = cmts;
pop(&revs); // we did this one in setup
unless (length(revs)) goto done;
return (0);
usage(int which)
fprintf(stderr, "Barfed on %d.\n", which);
Received on 2010-11-22 02:18:11 CET