One last issue #3020 fix: Correctly map mergeinfo revisions when loading incremental dumps into a repository that was not empty prior to the first load. * subversion/include/private/svn_mergeinfo_private.h (svn_mergeinfo__adjust_mergeinfo_rangelists): New. * subversion/libsvn_subr/mergeinfo.c (svn_mergeinfo__adjust_mergeinfo_rangelists): New. * subversion/libsvn_repos/load.c (renumber_mergeinfo_revs): Adjust mergeinfo older than the oldest revision in the dump stream by the difference between the head rev of the target repository and the current dump stream rev. (new_revision_record): Update parse_baton.oldest_old_rev here, a bit sooner than we did before when we set it... (close_revision): * subversion/tests/cmdline/