Stas Cherkassky wrote:
> % svn co $SVNROOT/myproj -–depth empty myproj
> % svn update -–depth infinity myproj/dirA
> .. modifies it in some way and tries to tag:
> % svn mkdir $SVNROOT/tags/rel_X
> % svn copy myproj $SVNROOT/tags/rel_X/ -m “tagging part A of myproj
> for the next integration”
> The problem that we see is SVN for some reason also copies dirB under
> $SVNROOT/branches/rel_X !!
> % svn ls $SVNROOT/tags/rel_X/myproj
> dirA
> dirB <- this should not be there !
> my SVN version is 1.6.2 (r37639)
> I was under impression that svn copy WC -> URL should take whatever I
> have in my WC,
> and ONLY that, similar to unix copy.
> The whole point of this mode (WC -> URL) it to remember (tag) any
> weird combination of versions/components
> that I've built in my WC. So why copy the rest of the world ?
The idea of the sparse WC is "I know that other stuff exists as part of
this project tree, but I don't need to see that other stuff right now."
If you want to create a WC that represents your project tree pruned down
(with parts removed), you have to use the "svn rm" command to do that:
"svn rm dirB". Otherwise the other stuff is still conceptually "there"
in terms of the versioned tree.
I don't know if you can currently use "svn rm" on a node that is
excluded from the WC because of a sparse WC. If not, that would be a
good feature enhancement to make that possible.
> If
> that's not a bug but feature, would it be possible
> to have a switch to copy command that would behave as I described ?
I think the method above is better. There are several ways a node can be
missing from the WC, and adding a switch (or switches) to the copy
command to control this behaviour is probably not the best way to design
the solution. Also "copy" is not the only operation you might want to do
[1]. It's better to get the WC into the state you want (which as I say
is not achieved just by making it sparse) and then issue a simple "copy"
command, rather than use a more complex copy command that has options.
[1] Hmm, but what does "export" from the WC do? Does it go to the repo
to get the excluded parts?
- Julian
Received on 2010-01-07 13:43:23 CET