"C. Michael Pilato" <cmpilato_at_collab.net> writes:
> Also, so history on this so far. (See the official job ticket, too:
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-2321)
> * 7am-ish: went read-only with svn.collab.net/repos/svn; caught the
> 'svn-complete' repos up with 'svn' history (new commits + propmods); kicked
> off the 'svnadmin dump' process. The wrong way.
> * 1:30pm: reported to asf-infra that the dump had completed.
> * 2pm: provided Joe (asf-infra) my cellphone info, "just in case".
> * 2:15pm: out the door with the wife.
> * 3:15pm: cell phone rings. It's Joe. Seems I botched the 'nohup'
> command, and the dumpstream has stderr turds in it. :-(
> * 3:20pm: at wife's request, leave her in the store we're in, drive to
> mother's house (closer than my own), let myself in, boot Mom's old Win2k
> machine, ssh to svn.collab.net, and tar up the whole svn-complete repository
> for delivery to Joe. Call Joe, apologize repeatedly, etc.
> * 4:00pm: pick up wife from the store, resume afternoon.
> From what I can see in the IRC chatter, the second load attempt is still
> going on right now. Sorry for the extended downtime -- fault lies entirely
> on me, unfortunately.
No worries. He who takes the risk gets a lot of leeway, as
Confucious... uh, meant to say. I'm sure he did. Thanks for taking
this on!
Received on 2009-11-16 02:32:00 CET