The buildbot has been crashing for a while during the test run with a
memory error. I was seeing this recently too, and just learned how to
get a stack trace. However, of course now the tests are not crashing
for me. So maybe something was just fixed. The buildbot has not run
in since yesterday.
Anyway, there is one error now in the tests that looks WC-NG related?
There was 1 error:
1) testMergeConflictResolution(org.tigris.subversion.javahl.BasicTests)org.tigris.subversion.javahl.ClientException:
Path is not an immediate child of the specified directory
svn: traced call
svn: traced call
svn: traced call
svn: traced call
svn: traced call
svn: traced call
svn: traced call
svn: traced call
svn: traced call
svn: traced call
svn: traced call
svn: traced call
svn: traced call
svn: traced call
svn: traced call
svn: traced call
svn: traced call
svn: path '/var/folders/np/np0+f8EnHlacqSEtJRJGqk+++TI/-Tmp-/tempfile.3.tmp'
not a child of '/Users/mphippard/work/src-trunk/subversion/bindings/javahl/test-work/working_copies/basic_test36/A'
svn: subversion/libsvn_client/merge.c:9277: (apr_err=125007)
at org.tigris.subversion.javahl.SVNClient.merge(Native Method)
at org.tigris.subversion.javahl.SVNClientSynchronized.merge(
at org.tigris.subversion.javahl.BasicTests.testMergeConflictResolution(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at org.tigris.subversion.javahl.RunTests.main(
I will be interested to see if the crash disappears when the buildbot
runs again.
Mark Phippard
Received on 2009-09-18 16:30:04 CEST