Mark Phippard <> wrote on 07/30/2009 04:11:53 PM:
> On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 4:59 PM, C. Michael Pilato<>
> > What would help here is a way for the client tools to (optionally)
> > the desired lock token. (Or, if not the client tools, at least some
> > 'svnsync copy-lock(s)' subcommand.) Is that a sane thing to allow?
If not,
> > is there some other remote lock replication approach that we can
suggest to
> > folks who need this?
> FWIW, the lack of an ability to use some svnsync option to sync the
> locks also makes svnsync unsuitable for maintaining a backup
> repository or for using svnsync to migrate a repository to a newer
> version. I believe there are lots of users that use svnsync for both
> of these things today. But if a user also uses the lock feature, they
> either cannot use svnsync for this, or must live with the loss of the
> locks.
> Which is a roundabout way of saying I would be in favor of adding
> support for this to svnsync.
I'm all in favor of adding support to this to svnsync, but would like
to point out that an svnadmin dump of a repository will also exclude
locks... It would be nice if locks were treated similarly there
as well.
Kevin R.
Received on 2009-07-30 23:19:43 CEST