Julian Foad wrote:
> Geoff Rowell wrote:
> > Aside from performance, I wouldn't have such a problem with
> > mergeinfo if it didn't tend to alarm my users. They try to merge a
> > files and Subversion reports a massive number of changes.
> >
> > A serious review of where and when mergeinfo property changes are
> > reported is needed.
> We talked once about hiding mergeinfo-only changes from the user, and
> that was rightly rejected. Did we talk about "sidelining" or
> "summarising" their display?
> It seems clear now, with hindsight and lots of mergeinfo, that UIs,
> our "svn" CLI and GUIs like TortoiseSvn, should help the user to see
> significant changes without the clutter of mergeinfo-only changes.
> "svn status" could by default summarize all the mergeinfo-only changes
> in one line at the end:
> [[[
> $ svn status
> M myfile
> M dir/myfile2
> 43 items with changes to mergeinfo are also present but not shown.
> ]]]
> "svn commit" when generating a log message could list them separately:
> [[[
> --This line, and those below, will be ignored--
> M myfile
> MM dir/myfile2
> The following items have only mergeinfo changes:
> M .
> M file1
> M dir
> M dir/file4
> M dir/file5
> M dir/file6
> ...
> M dir/file43
> ]]]
> This would require modifications to the "status" and "commit"
> notification methods, of course. And there are command-line
> compatibility questions, but it's not a big deal to decide on a
> to those.
> Worth doing?
> Where are the other places that should have this
I'd also suggest modifying the output of "svn log -v".
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