Branko Cibej wrote:
> Edmund Wong wrote:
>> Neels Janosch Hofmeyr wrote:
>>> Hi Arfrever, Stsp,
>>> would you guys be fine with the attached patch? Calling that thing
>>> "diff_editor" got me confused there for a while.
>>> Furthermore, could you explain why you chuck the local svnpatch_* functions
>>> into an (also local) svn_delta_editor_t in the first place? It makes much
>>> more sense to me to just call them directly without the editor struct.
>>> Thanks,
>>> ~Neels
>>> ------------------------------------------------------
>> Pardon my offtopicness, but I don't get why this message went
>> through the moderator's channel. Normally Neels' messages
>> go directly to the list without the need for moderation. This
>> went through the mods channel. Weird.
>> Clarifications appreciated.
> Could be because he didn't send it from his subscribed address (
Yeah, I was wondering myself just now. Accidentally sent it from my
"private" mail address, while I'm subscribed with my "work" address.
And this leads me to another question: How can I see whether a mail went
through the moderating channel anyway?
Received on 2009-06-04 15:26:18 CEST