Neels Janosch Hofmeyr wrote:
> Hi Arfrever, Stsp,
> would you guys be fine with the attached patch? Calling that thing
> "diff_editor" got me confused there for a while.
> Furthermore, could you explain why you chuck the local svnpatch_* functions
> into an (also local) svn_delta_editor_t in the first place? It makes much
> more sense to me to just call them directly without the editor struct.
> Thanks,
> ~Neels
> ------------------------------------------------------
Pardon my offtopicness, but I don't get why this message went
through the moderator's channel. Normally Neels' messages
go directly to the list without the need for moderation. This
went through the mods channel. Weird.
Clarifications appreciated.
Received on 2009-06-04 04:15:49 CEST