Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 1:31 PM, Neels Janosch Hofmeyr <neels_at_elego.de> wrote:
>> Tuesday saw the first day of the Subversion 1.6 Preview (in Berlin),
>> organized by CollabNet and elego. Everything went well, and there were a lot
> I'll repeat my earlier comments - yet again, we're having "community"
> events being organized with zero notification and collaboration with
> the actual community. -- justin
Justin, I think you're reading something more than is really present.
"The Subversion community" is not the same as "the Subversion development
community". Nor does a "community event" imply or require the consultation
with or participation of any particular subset of either "the Subversion
user community" or "the Subversion developer community". Any place where
two or more people can find some common ground there is "actual community".
If there are some Subversion users in Berlin who've found common interest
in their Subversion usage, that's great. If a person or company can
interact with that community of users for the benefit of the users, for the
benefit of Subversion, and perhaps even for the benefit of that person or
company -- fantastic. Why should the minority of Subversion users who are
developers -- or even the minority of users who are subscribed to users@ --
work to suppress the mutual exchange of information about Subversion,
*especially* when that information can be fed back into this list and used
to further the project?
I, too, was completely unaware that CollabNet and elego had organized some
kind of a Subversion 1.6 preview. Total surprise to me. But what if the
ASF had hosted it? What if Google had done it? What about any one of us
acting individually? What if Blair Zajac, wearing a consultant hat, had
decided to organize a little meeting of folks in his hometown who shared a
common interest in Subversion? What if it wasn't Blair, but a random user
we've never met who's just really fired up about our version control tool?
The Subversion cat is out of the bag; we can't dictate the happenings of the
humongous ecosystem that has formed around it. But to me, that's something
to celebrate, not something to bemoan!
Are you concerned that elego or CollabNet or somebody else is
misrepresenting themselves or Subversion, or doing something on the sly? Is
there some particular concern with the lack of communication with whatever
you've termed "the actual community" besides just that lack of
communication? If so, I'd encourage you to voice those concerns so they can
be better understood and addressed.
C. Michael Pilato <cmpilato_at_collab.net>
CollabNet <> www.collab.net <> Distributed Development On Demand
Received on 2009-02-26 06:22:20 CET