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single file externals cannot be deleted in working copy (trunk version)

From: Marc Haesen <Marc.Haesen_at_oneaccess-net.com>
Date: Mon, 9 Feb 2009 10:01:07 +0100



When single file externals have been added and committed in a working
copy, they cannot be removed anymore.


Below is a script that can be used to reproduce the problem. The script
is setting the svn:externals property and deletes it afterwards. In the
output you can see that the externals stays there although the
svn:externals property is empty. Look at the 'Restored dir2/file1' in
the output, although there is no svn:externals property anymore. Also
look at the output of the svn st command.


I am using revision 35718 of trunk on windows. I am running it in the
root dir of a drive.




svnadmin create repos

svn co file:///repos wc1

cd wc1

mkdir dir1

echo test > dir1\file1

svn add dir1

svn mkdir dir2

svn -m "1" commit

svn up

cd dir2

echo ../dir1/file1 file1 > externals.txt

svn propset -F externals.txt svn:externals .

cd ..

svn commit -m"2"

svn up

svn propdel svn:externals dir2

svn commit -m"3"

svn up

del dir2\file1

svn up

svn rm dir2\file1

svn st



svnadmin create repos

svn co file:///repos wc1

Checked out revision 0.

cdd wc1

mkdir dir1

echo test > dir1\file1

svn add dir1

A dir1

A dir1\file1

svn mkdir dir2

A dir2

svn -m "1" commit

Adding dir1

Adding dir1\file1

Adding dir2

Transmitting file data .

Committed revision 1.

svn up

At revision 1.

cdd dir2

echo ../dir1/file1 file1 > externals.txt

svn propset -F externals.txt svn:externals .

property 'svn:externals' set on '.'

cdd ..

svn commit -m"2"

Sending dir2


Committed revision 2.

svn up


Fetching external item into 'dir2\file1'

E dir2\file1

Updated external to revision 2.


Updated to revision 2.

svn propdel svn:externals dir2

property 'svn:externals' deleted from 'dir2'.

svn commit -m"3"

Sending dir2


Committed revision 3.

svn up

At revision 3.

del /q dir2\file1

svn up

Restored 'dir2\file1'

At revision 3.

svn rm dir2\file1

svn: Cannot remove the file external at 'dir2\file1'; please propedit or
propdel the svn:externals description that created it

svn st

? dir2\externals.txt

    X dir2\file1




Received on 2009-02-09 10:01:31 CET

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