While working on the Issue #3334 branch I keep coming across many
cases where we update and end up with a WC that can't be resolved and
committed. Usually the desired behavior is pretty obvious, but
update_tests.py 33 'update wc containing a replaced-with-history file'
demonstrates a case I'm not very certain about: An update brings down
a text edit on file that is locally replaced without history:
# We have this WC:
TRUNK.DBG>svn st -v update_tests-33
1 1 jrandom update_tests-33
1 1 jrandom update_tests-33\A
1 1 jrandom update_tests-33\A\B
1 1 jrandom update_tests-33\A\B\lambda
1 1 jrandom update_tests-33\A\B\E
1 1 jrandom update_tests-33\A\B\E\alpha
1 1 jrandom update_tests-33\A\B\E\beta
1 1 jrandom update_tests-33\A\B\F
1 1 jrandom update_tests-33\A\mu
1 1 jrandom update_tests-33\A\C
1 1 jrandom update_tests-33\A\D
1 1 jrandom update_tests-33\A\D\gamma
1 1 jrandom update_tests-33\A\D\G
1 1 jrandom update_tests-33\A\D\G\pi
1 1 jrandom update_tests-33\A\D\G\rho
1 1 jrandom update_tests-33\A\D\G\tau
1 1 jrandom update_tests-33\A\D\H
1 1 jrandom update_tests-33\A\D\H\chi
1 1 jrandom update_tests-33\A\D\H\omega
1 1 jrandom update_tests-33\A\D\H\psi
R 1 1 jrandom update_tests-33\iota
TRUNK.DBG>svn diff update_tests-33
Index: update_tests-33/iota
--- update_tests-33/iota (revision 1)
+++ update_tests-33/iota (working copy)
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-This is the file 'iota'.
# Here is the incoming text change:
TRUNK.DBG>svn diff update_tests-33\iota -r1:HEAD
Index: update_tests-33/iota
--- update_tests-33/iota (revision 1)
+++ update_tests-33/iota (revision 2)
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
This is the file 'iota'.
+New line in 'iota'
# We update and get the expected tree conflict:
TRUNK.DBG>svn up update_tests-33
Skipped 'update_tests-33\iota'
At revision 2.
Summary of conflicts:
Skipped paths: 1
# But iota is still at rev 1...
TRUNK.DBG>svn st update_tests-33 -v
2 2 jrandom update_tests-33
2 1 jrandom update_tests-33\A
2 1 jrandom update_tests-33\A\B
2 1 jrandom update_tests-33\A\B\lambda
2 1 jrandom update_tests-33\A\B\E
2 1 jrandom update_tests-33\A\B\E\alpha
2 1 jrandom update_tests-33\A\B\E\beta
2 1 jrandom update_tests-33\A\B\F
2 1 jrandom update_tests-33\A\mu
2 1 jrandom update_tests-33\A\C
2 1 jrandom update_tests-33\A\D
2 1 jrandom update_tests-33\A\D\gamma
2 1 jrandom update_tests-33\A\D\G
2 1 jrandom update_tests-33\A\D\G\pi
2 1 jrandom update_tests-33\A\D\G\rho
2 1 jrandom update_tests-33\A\D\G\tau
2 1 jrandom update_tests-33\A\D\H
2 1 jrandom update_tests-33\A\D\H\chi
2 1 jrandom update_tests-33\A\D\H\omega
2 1 jrandom update_tests-33\A\D\H\psi
R C 1 1 jrandom update_tests-33\iota
> local delete, incoming edit upon update
TRUNK.DBG>svn diff update_tests-33
Index: update_tests-33/iota
--- update_tests-33/iota (revision 1)
+++ update_tests-33/iota (working copy)
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-This is the file 'iota'.
# ...So even if we resolve, we can't commit because 'iota' is out of date.
# (and of course if we update we are back in the same position)
TRUNK.DBG>svn resolved -R update_tests-33
Resolved conflicted state of 'update_tests-33\iota'
TRUNK.DBG>svn ci -m "" update_tests-33
Replacing update_tests-33\iota
..\..\..\subversion\libsvn_client\commit.c:867: (apr_err=160028)
svn: Commit failed (details follow):
..\..\..\subversion\libsvn_repos\commit.c:124: (apr_err=160028)
svn: File '/iota' is out of date
So what would we like to see for behavior here? Should the text base
for iota simply be updated and a tree conflict generated on the delete
half of the replace, leaving us with a WC like this?
BETTER???>svn st update_tests-33 -v
2 2 jrandom update_tests-33
2 1 jrandom update_tests-33\A
2 1 jrandom update_tests-33\A\B
2 1 jrandom update_tests-33\A\B\lambda
2 1 jrandom update_tests-33\A\B\E
2 1 jrandom update_tests-33\A\B\E\alpha
2 1 jrandom update_tests-33\A\B\E\beta
2 1 jrandom update_tests-33\A\B\F
2 1 jrandom update_tests-33\A\mu
2 1 jrandom update_tests-33\A\C
2 1 jrandom update_tests-33\A\D
2 1 jrandom update_tests-33\A\D\gamma
2 1 jrandom update_tests-33\A\D\G
2 1 jrandom update_tests-33\A\D\G\pi
2 1 jrandom update_tests-33\A\D\G\rho
2 1 jrandom update_tests-33\A\D\G\tau
2 1 jrandom update_tests-33\A\D\H
2 1 jrandom update_tests-33\A\D\H\chi
2 1 jrandom update_tests-33\A\D\H\omega
2 1 jrandom update_tests-33\A\D\H\psi
R C 2 1 jrandom update_tests-33\iota
> local delete, incoming edit upon update
BETTER???>svn diff update_tests-33
Index: update_tests-33/iota
--- update_tests-33/iota (revision 2)
+++ update_tests-33/iota (working copy)
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-This is the file 'iota'.
-New line in 'iota'
Received on 2009-02-09 03:09:23 CET