Hi Sue,
This note is best sent to the svnmerge.py mailing list where svnmerge.py is
developed. The dev_at_subversion.tigris.org list is for discussions about the
development of Subversion, not its use.
Sue Pharoah wrote:
> Hi,
> We are trying to upgrade to the subversion client 1.5.4 on windows.
> However due to limitations and outstanding issues of the new svn merge
> functionality we want to continue to use svnmerge.py until these are
> addressed.
> We are running on windows XP and use the svnmerge.exe wrapper to run
> svnmerge.py.
> It all works fine until there is a conflict, when this error occurs:
> C:\Eclipse\je68workspace\je68>svnmerge merge -s -S RELEASE-6.7.0
> svn merge -r 54419:54420
> _http://mantistest.hal.co.uk/repos/Administrator/branches/RELEASE-6.7.0_ .
> svnmerge: command execution failed (exit code: 1)
> svn merge -r 54419:54420
> _http://mantistest.hal.co.uk/repos/Administrator/branches/RELEASE-6.7.0_ .
> Conflict discovered in
> 'java/src/aquila/administrator/admingroup/domain/AdminGroup.java'.
> Select: (p) postpone, (df) diff-full, (e) edit,
> (h) help for more options: svn: Can't read stdin: End of file found
> *svn: Error reading spooled REPORT request response*
> There is indeed a conflict, but it is impossible to deal with it as it
> is not possible to select the options and the change [ as a conflict ]
> never gets written out.
> If I set the SVN_EDITOR e.g. to notepad or wordpad, it makes no
> difference - though if I run the same svn merge command without the
> svnmerge.py wrapper I am able to select the edit, postpone and diff full
> options as well as use the appropriate editor.
> This does not happen with 1.4 client - it simply writes out the
> conflicting file with conflict markers.
> Any help would be appreciated.
Received on 2008-12-09 21:40:51 CET