[RFC] UI to show a summary of problems after merge etc. (incl. tree conflicts)
From: Julian Foad <julianfoad_at_btopenworld.com>
Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2008 15:46:29 +0100
This is a proposal for a kind of status output that lists what files are
The reason is: When I do a merge (or update or switch), I may get a
* What were those conflicts, again?
The current "svn status" does tell me what's in conflict, but in a large
The current "svn info" tells me verbosely about the conflict on a
We need a middle ground: a command that says "Tell me all the problems
The UI for invocation could be
* svn conflicts
or whatever. Something not too long or too obscure.
The UI for output needs to show:
(I think the word "conflict" can be used broadly to include what we call
Here's what this first attempt looks like for two tree conflicts,
The UI is up for comment - both the command line to invoke it, and the
$ svn st --conflicts)
Here, "(D>M)" means "an incoming Delete onto an existing Modified node".
In this patch, this indication is coded on the assumption that it's a
Note also that a briefer summary of such problems has just been
- Julian
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