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Re: [PATCH] no mergeinfo on 'mergeinfo NON-affecting' wc-to-wc copy

From: Danil Shopyrin <danil_at_visualsvn.com>
Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2008 11:04:09 +0400


Here is the up-to-date version of the patch (there are no changes
except conflicts resolving with the current trunk).

Log message is:
Don't create any explicit (including empty) mergeinfo record during WC-to-WC
copy if it's a 'mergeinfo NON-affecting' copy. WC-to-WC copy can be
considered as 'megeinfo NON-affecting' if and only if the following
conditions are satisfied:
a) src and dst are located below the same URL
b) mergeinfo (if any) for src and dst is inherited from this URL
c) inherited mergeinfos (if any) for src and dst are equal.

* subversion/libsvn_client/copy.c
 (calculate_target_mergeinfo): svn_client__get_wc_mergeinfo() signature is
 (propagate_mergeinfo_within_wc): a) Heuristic algorihthm that checks is the
  copy operation 'mergeinfo affectiong' or not is added. Mergeinfo isn't
  propagated if it's 'mergeinfo NON-affecting' copy. b) Now this function makes
  no difference between copying of added and copied files. The generic
  algorithm handles both cases universally.

* subversion/libsvn_client/merge.c
  do_directory_merge): svn_client__get_wc_mergeinfo() signature is changed.

* subversion/libsvn_client/mergeinfo.c
 (svn_client__get_wc_mergeinfo): Signature is changed. Now returns
  original_mergeinfo and original_mergeinfo_url and accepts additional
  allow_mixed_revisions flag.
  svn_client__elide_mergeinfo): svn_client__get_wc_mergeinfo() signature is

* subversion/libsvn_client/mergeinfo.h
 (svn_client__get_wc_mergeinfo): Signature is changed. Now returns
  original_mergeinfo and original_mergeinfo_url and accepts additional
  allow_mixed_revisions flag.

* subversion/tests/cmdline/copy_tests.py
  copy_peg_rev_local_dirs): New copy behavior is considered: empty
  mergeinfo isn't generated during mergeinfo non-affecting copy.
  copy_added_file_with_empty_explicit_mergeinfo): New tests.
 (branch_change_and_merge_back): Helper for the new tests.
 (test_list): Run the new tests.

The patch itself is in the attachment.


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Received on 2008-09-30 09:04:32 CEST

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