On Wed, Sep 17, 2008 at 3:34 AM, Vincent Lefevre <vincent+svn_at_vinc17.org> wrote:
> On 2008-09-15 05:17:25 -0700, Greg Stein wrote:
>> If it is renamed, then you've just "lost" your metadata. The metadata
>> is tied to an absolute path.
> An absolute path? This would be annoying because the path to my NFS
> home depends on the machine from which I have access.
If there are no .svn directories in your working copy, then it looks
like any other directory. The only way for svn to know it's a working
copy is to hold a reference to its absolute path.
That said, we've also been discussing how to drop a unique identify
into (say) .svn/wc-id at the root of your working copy. There are some
potential issues with that, however. When svn sees the working copy at
a new path, it won't necessarily know if it was simply moved or
copied, and (thus) how to handle the metadata that it has recorded for
that working copy.
In your situation, you'd simply want to keep the metadata in the
wcroot, rather than a centralized location. If all the data is in
wcroot/.svn/, then svn will not worry about the absolute path at all.
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Received on 2008-09-17 13:29:50 CEST