Wait, I think I've got it!
The problem is that the "svn:special" property is set to "link" on both
the old and new file, so it never appears as a prop diff -- nor should
it, since there's no difference.
But (I think) the code that handles the "svn:special" property only gets
activated when the property is added or removed. (I guess it would also
get activated if the property value changed, but in practice, it's
always "link" right now, since the details appear in the file text.
Thus our concern here is with the property being added or removed.)
I haven't investigated this line of reasoning yet, but will later
tonight if no one beats me to it.
Karl Fogel <kfogel_at_red-bean.com> writes:
> John McGrath <john.mcgrath_at_xilinx.com> writes:
>> My understanding is that 'svn list' will show the contents of the
>> repository for the same path as the current directory in the
>> workspace.
>> For example, if my workspace has
>> dir1/
>> dir2/
>> file1
>> but the repository has a new directory recently added, called dir3,
>> svn ls would report
>> dir1/
>> dir2/
>> dir3/
>> file1
>> i.e. it shows me the contents of the repository.
>> However, if the local workspace was originally checked out with the -N
>> (non-recursive) command,
>> running svn ls would only show me the directories I have, it would not
>> show me dir3!
> I cannot reproduce this. Could you give a complete reproduction recipe
> please (that is, a script)? My transcript is below.
>> This appears to be a bug - becuase if not, what advantage is svn ls
>> over plain ls, in this case?
>> I have tested this will the latest svn 1.5.2, and it still operates in
>> this way.
>> The same thing goes for svn update, if the local working direcotory
>> was originally checked out with -N, running svn update will only get
>> the contents of directories that are in the workspace.
>> It would be great if there was a switch to force recursion, like -R or
>> something, or even -R n, where n would be a number of levels.
> -N is deprecated; we use --depth=foo now. And the --set-depth option
> does what you want.
>> At the very least, I think this is a bug in the terms of svn ls,
>> changing svn update to work as described is a bonus!
> The reported 'svn ls' behavior would be a bug, I think; but I cannot
> reproduce it with latest trunk Subversion (which is similar to 1.5.2,
> though not exactly the same).
> The 'update' behavior is as-designed, and you should use --set-depth to
> expand ("unfold") the directories.
> Here's my repro script:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> #!/bin/sh
> # The next line is the only line you should need to adjust.
> SVNDIR=/home/kfogel/src/subversion
> SVN=${SVNDIR}/subversion/svn/svn
> SVNSERVE=${SVNDIR}/subversion/svnserve/svnserve
> SVNADMIN=${SVNDIR}/subversion/svnadmin/svnadmin
> URL=file:///`pwd`/repos
> rm -rf repos wc import-me
> ${SVNADMIN} create repos
> echo "### Making a Greek Tree for import..."
> mkdir import-me
> mkdir import-me/trunk
> mkdir import-me/tags
> mkdir import-me/branches
> mkdir import-me/trunk/A
> mkdir import-me/trunk/A/B/
> mkdir import-me/trunk/A/C/
> mkdir import-me/trunk/A/D/
> mkdir import-me/trunk/A/B/E/
> mkdir import-me/trunk/A/B/F/
> mkdir import-me/trunk/A/D/G/
> mkdir import-me/trunk/A/D/H/
> echo "This is the file 'iota'." > import-me/trunk/iota
> echo "This is the file 'A/mu'." > import-me/trunk/A/mu
> echo "This is the file 'A/B/lambda'." > import-me/trunk/A/B/lambda
> echo "This is the file 'A/B/E/alpha'." > import-me/trunk/A/B/E/alpha
> echo "This is the file 'A/B/E/beta'." > import-me/trunk/A/B/E/beta
> echo "This is the file 'A/D/gamma'." > import-me/trunk/A/D/gamma
> echo "This is the file 'A/D/G/pi'." > import-me/trunk/A/D/G/pi
> echo "This is the file 'A/D/G/rho'." > import-me/trunk/A/D/G/rho
> echo "This is the file 'A/D/G/tau'." > import-me/trunk/A/D/G/tau
> echo "This is the file 'A/D/H/chi'." > import-me/trunk/A/D/H/chi
> echo "This is the file 'A/D/H/omega'." > import-me/trunk/A/D/H/omega
> echo "This is the file 'A/D/H/psi'." > import-me/trunk/A/D/H/psi
> echo "### Done."
> echo ""
> echo "### Importing it..."
> (cd import-me; ${SVN} import -q -m "Initial import." ${URL})
> echo "### Done."
> echo ""
> ${SVN} co -q -N ${URL}/trunk wc
> cd wc
> ${SVN} ls
> cd ..
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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Received on 2008-09-06 00:50:33 CEST