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make install doesn't install

From: Jens Seidel <jensseidel_at_users.sourceforge.net>
Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2008 11:04:19 +0200


I have a little problem with the automake build system which I hit
already multiple times in the past. Sorry, I was not able to analyse it
but maybe you know nevertheless how to fix it.

The build of Subclipse is not always easy. Especially related to java
stuff and bindings. So it is well possible that I did something wrong
or incomplete.

Normally I expect that I can install a program using
./configure <parameters>
make install

Subversion is a lot different and this causes always trouble. Why does
also a "make javahl" and a "make install-javahl" exists? It's useless.
If one doesn't want it, it should be handled by the configure script
(--disable* flags). You probably know all the stories in the net about
possible problems (often you need to install parts of Subversion until
a further make step works).

Currently I updated my working copy of the 1.5.x branch (this time it

I did the following parts of my notes:

$ export JAVA_HOME=/home/jens/local/jdk1.6.0_01/
make javahl
make install
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/jens/local/subversion1.5/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

From now svn fails, so I could not conzinue using "make install-javahl".

But install no longer installs:

$ ls -l /home/jens/local/subversion1.5/lib/libsvn_wc*
-rw-r--r-- 1 jens users 1113804 25. Jul 13:43 /home/jens/local/subversion1.5/lib/libsvn_wc-1.a
-rwxr-xr-x 1 jens users 1145 25. Jul 13:43 /home/jens/local/subversion1.5/lib/libsvn_wc-1.la
lrwxrwxrwx 1 jens users 20 25. Jul 13:43 /home/jens/local/subversion1.5/lib/libsvn_wc-1.so -> libsvn_wc-1.so.0.0.0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 jens users 20 25. Jul 13:43 /home/jens/local/subversion1.5/lib/libsvn_wc-1.so.0 -> libsvn_wc-1.so.0.0.0
-rwxr-xr-x 1 jens users 696551 25. Jul 13:43 /home/jens/local/subversion1.5/lib/libsvn_wc-1.so.0.0.0

Do you see the date? But:
$ ls -la subversion/libsvn_wc/libsvn_wc-1.la
-rw-r--r-- 1 jens users 2172 27. Aug 10:47 subversion/libsvn_wc/libsvn_wc-1.la

Why does a simple install step not work? I didn't get an error.

Could it be related to the fact that I build in parallel?

$ svn version
subversion/libsvn_subr/version.c:73: (apr_err=200019)
svn: Version mismatch in 'svn_diff': found 1.5.1-dev, expected 1.5.2-dev
subversion/libsvn_subr/version.c:73: (apr_err=200019)
svn: Version mismatch in 'svn_ra': found 1.5.1-dev, expected 1.5.2-dev
subversion/libsvn_subr/version.c:73: (apr_err=200019)
svn: Version mismatch in 'svn_wc': found 1.5.1-dev, expected 1.5.2-dev
subversion/libsvn_subr/version.c:73: (apr_err=200019)
svn: Version mismatch in 'svn_client': found 1.5.1-dev, expected 1.5.2-dev

Now I'm again unable to use svn. Always the same problem, since months (or
even years!). Probably I could get it by starting from scratch. But why
should I?

PS: Using another svn binary (from an older /home/jens/local/subversion1.6/bin/,
this versioned install is really required for Subversion :-(() I get a lot of
svn status output for .lo files in subversion/bindings/javahl/native/. There
are some svn:ignore entries missing in branches/1.5.x in r32744.

I attached the list but it may be incomplete.


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Received on 2008-08-27 11:14:32 CEST

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