On Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 2:09 PM, Stefan Küng <tortoisesvn_at_gmail.com> wrote:
> Julian Foad wrote:
>> Hi JJ.
>> I'm trying to understand and reproduce what you are seeing, and I can't.
>> There seem to be several things going on, some of which are probably to
>> do with TortoiseSVN and some to do with the Subversion libraries.
>> What I think you're saying at the end of this mail is, with svn 1.5.0:
>> * your "pre-revprop-change" hook script returns failure;
>> * "svn propdel testprop REPO_URL --revprop -r HEAD" says it succeeded,
>> but actually didn't delete the property.
>> When I tried this with a little recipe script that I am attaching now,
>> it works as expected.
>> One difference between my script and your situation is that you appear
>> to be using HTTP whereas my script uses local "file://" access to the
>> repository. Maybe that makes the difference.
>> I'm assuming that the "propdel" and "pl" commands that you showed really
>> were run one after the other as shown, and that your hook scripts are
>> simple. (Can you show us your pre-revprop-change script? It doesn't take
>> notice of the "action" parameter, does it? You don't have more than one
>> "pre-revprop-change.*" script, or a "post-revprop-change.*" script that
>> changes anything, do you?)
>> Can you simplify your lowes-level bug report into a self-contained
>> script that creates a repository, creates a hook script, and runs the
>> commands?
> I can't reproduce the problem with file:/// access either. But I *can*
> reproduce this against a https:// repository served with svn 1.4.6.
> Repository hosted on Apache 2.0 on Vista Ultimate (don't know if that makes
> a difference though).
> All my pre-revprop-change.bat script does is:
> echo "Changing revision properties prohibited" >&2
> exit 1
> doing an
> svn propdel svn:log --revprop -r HEAD
> with svn.exe 1.5.0 returns:
> property 'svn:log' deleted from repository revision 13
> but the revprop was *not* deleted.
Woohoo! Someone else can reproduce it!
To reiterate, the server is a Solaris 10 box (non-intel) running
Subversion 1.5.0 (with Subversion supplied dependencies) served out by
Apache 2.2.8, using http://, not https://.
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Received on 2008-07-02 22:59:24 CEST