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Re: [Fwd: help with svn 1.5 -> merge with properties]

From: Karl Fogel <kfogel_at_red-bean.com>
Date: Sun, 29 Jun 2008 18:49:41 -0400

Alfred Perlstein <alfred_at_juniper.net> writes:
> Did you guys get this? I'm really confused about this bug, can we fix
> it or can you tell me how to workaround? (maybe I'm doing something
> stupid?)

I can't reproduce it with r31913 of trunk over file:// or svn://; below
is the script I used. It's based on your script, but this version is
completely self-contained: it creates its own repository, etc.

Starting from your script, it took me about 10 minutes to make the
self-contained version. This is partly because I had the 'kf-doit'
function from http://svn.red-bean.com/repos/kfogel/trunk/.emacs to help
(search for "defun kf-doit" in that file). I mention this because you
might want to keep the kf-doit template around for your own use when
posting reproduction scripts. When a repro script is truly
self-contained, people are much more likely to run it, because then they
know they don't face an arbitrary amount of setup work before they can
run the script.

Anyway, first here's the output of my script, followed by the script
itself. Let me know if the repro recipe I used was wrong.


   Committed revision 1.
   Committed revision 2.
   Checked out revision 2.
   A bar.c
   Adding bar.c
   Transmitting file data .
   Committed revision 3.
   property 'mtime' set on 'bar.c'
   Sending bar.c
   Committed revision 4.
   Committed revision 5.
   A testbranch/bar.c
   Checked out revision 5.
   property 'mtime' set on 'bar.c'
   Sending bar.c
   Transmitting file data .
   Committed revision 6.
   --- Merging r5 through r6 into '.':
   UU bar.c

And the script (not indented, unlike the output above):


# The next line is the only line you should need to adjust.


# Select an access method. If svn://, the svnserve setup is
# handled automagically by this script; but if http://, then
# you'll have to configure it yourself first.
# URL=http://localhost/SOMETHING/repos
# URL=svn://localhost/repos

rm -rf repos trunk testbranch

${SVNADMIN} create repos

# These are for svnserve only.
echo "[general]" > repos/conf/svnserve.conf
echo "anon-access = write" >> repos/conf/svnserve.conf
echo "auth-access = write" >> repos/conf/svnserve.conf

# The server will only be contacted if $URL is svn://foo, of course.
${SVNSERVE} --pid-file svnserve-pid -d -r `pwd`
# And put the kill command in a file, in case need to run it manually.
echo "kill -9 `cat svnserve-pid`" > k
chmod a+rwx k

# Make my project top level and the trunk directory.
${SVN} mkdir --parents -m "mkdir testproj" ${URL}/testproj/trunk

# Make space for branches.
${SVN} mkdir --parents -m "mkdir testproj" ${URL}/testproj/branches

# Check out trunk, add a file "bar.c" to it, commit it.
# Set "mtime" property, commit that too.
${SVN} co ${URL}/testproj/trunk

cd trunk
echo foo >> bar.c
${SVN} add bar.c
${SVN} commit -m "add bar in trunk"
${SVN} propset mtime 1 bar.c
${SVN} commit -m "add mtime prop" bar.c
cd ..

# Make a branch.
${SVN} cp -m "branch it" ${URL}/testproj/trunk \

# Check out the branch, don't do anything yet...
${SVN} co ${URL}/testproj/branches/testbranch

# Go back into trunk. Modify the file by adding some data, and modify
# the property too.
cd trunk
echo barrrrrr >> bar.c
${SVN} propset mtime 2 bar.c
${SVN} commit -m "second change with mtime=2" bar.c
cd ..

# Go back to my "testbranch" and try to merge the trunk change.
# It should merge cleanly, but it conflicts in both data and metadata!
cd testbranch
${SVN} merge ${URL}/testproj/trunk
cd ..

#Conflict for property 'mtime' discovered on 'bar.c'.
#Select: (p) postpone, (mf) mine-full, (tf) theirs-full,
# (h) help for more options: tf
#Conflict discovered in 'bar.c'.
#Select: (p) postpone, (df) diff-full, (e) edit,
# (h) help for more options: df
#--- .svn/tmp/tempfile.tmp Mon Jun 23 19:16:29 2008
#+++ .svn/tmp/tempfile.3.tmp Mon Jun 23 19:17:34 2008
#@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
#+<<<<<<< .working
#+||||||| .merge-left.r0
#"svn-merge-madness-done.txt" 73L, 2514C written

# Put kill command in a file, in case need to run it manually.
echo "kill -9 `cat svnserve-pid`" > k
chmod a+rwx k

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Received on 2008-06-30 00:50:36 CEST

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