On Mon, Jun 23, 2008 at 11:39 AM, Blair Zajac <blair_at_orcaware.com> wrote:
> Karl Fogel wrote:
>> Blair Zajac <blair_at_orcaware.com> writes:
>>> Karl Fogel wrote:
>>>> Blair Zajac <blair_at_orcaware.com> writes:
>>>>> Karl Fogel wrote:
>>>>>> I thinkd say you should merge trunk to your branch quite frequently.
>>>>>> At
>>>>>> least every few days, though of course it really depends on the rate &
>>>>>> kind of changes that happen on trunk. Don't let your branch get too
>>>>>> far
>>>>>> out of sync...
>>>>> I wish that were possible with the current merging code :(
>>>> You wish it were possible to get too far out of sync, or you wish it
>>>> were possible to merge very often?
>>>> (I'm assuming the former, but just want to make sure there isn't
>>>> something I didn't know about :-) ).
>>> To merge often.
>>> Do a checkout of the file-externals branch and try to merge trunk into
>>> it.
>> I haven't had time to perform that experiment, but it sounds like you're
>> saying something very surprising: that if you do merges fairly
>> frequently, they fail, but if you do them less frequently, they succeed.
>> I mean, you should be pulling in the same changes, it's just a question
>> of how you're batching them, right?
> No, I'm not saying that. It has nothing to do with frequency. Just that
> the current merge code doesn't handle when the issue-3000 commit into trunk
> was done then you want to merge that to another branch.
To demonstrate the problem Blair is talking about:
C:\SVN>svn co http://svn.collab.net/repos/svn/branches/file-externals
C:\SVN>cd file-externals-2
>C:\SVN\file-externals-2>svn merge http://svn.collab.net/repos/svn/trunk .
..\..\..\subversion\libsvn_ra_neon\util.c:711: (apr_err=160013)
svn: Working copy path 'www/tasks.html' does not exist in repository
The problem here is issue #3067 'subtrees that don't exist at the
start or end of a merge range shouldn't break the merge'.
The latest patch for this issue fixes this problem:
Kamesh is reviewing this patch, but if anyone else has time to look
at issue #3067 in any capacity...that would be quite fantastic.
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Received on 2008-06-24 19:14:56 CEST