I disagree with this idea. Very very much in fact. It's contrary to the
API implementation rules we set up from day one -- one of which says
that our API will not validate parameters. Also it would mean that all
functions that use assert but happen not to return an svn_eror_t would
have to be revved.
The above implies that
* assert should only be used for "this can't happen" sanity checks
* it should be turned off in production code (which is what we do on
Windows, IIRC).
And of course you /can/ catch an assert in a debugger.
-- Brane
Julian Foad wrote:
> -------
> The standard C assertion, typically used at the beginning of a function
> in statements like
> assert(arg1 != NULL);
> is an extremely useful self-checking tool for catching bugs, but in a C
> library it has the unfortunate property that the program using the
> library can't trap it. When that program is something big like an IDE or
> the Windows desktop, the result of the ensuing crash is too destructive.
> Subversion's standard error reporting mechanism, which is mainly used
> for reporting logical exceptions, can also be used to report bugs:
> if (! arg1)
> return svn_error_create
> _("foo() cannot be called with a NULL arg1"));
> However, when written like this, it causes unnecessarily a decrease in
> readability (4 lines just to indicate one simple fact) and an increase
> in translator effort.
> --------
> A new macro:
> which expands to something suitable, like the above code snippet,
> returning an svn_error_t if the assertion fails.
> Why does this seem too simple to be true?
> Any volunteers to do it?
> (Here's an improvement that can be made later: tweak the
> "svn_error_clear" functions so that "assertion" errors can always be
> discovered even if the programmer carelessly "clears" the error. Even
> without this improvement, I think the new form will do a lot of good.)
> - Julian
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Received on 2008-06-13 18:34:55 CEST