I'm happy to announce Subversion 1.5.0-rc11, available from:
The MD5 checksums are:
8b16542d80fa59e13ea67a4215faacd9 subversion-1.5.0-rc11.tar.bz2
7952c2563927d9ec38f42d13ef57f601 subversion-1.5.0-rc11.tar.gz
57a6d7f5dee37fa80e1a242c9166cad2 subversion-1.5.0-rc11.zip
af5eb509a9ed65546f763de628b45c9e subversion-deps-1.5.0-rc11.tar.bz2
7f001bc9ebb40a1bc7e467307420811a subversion-deps-1.5.0-rc11.tar.gz
83ac01d0e96fd6c975f7269267726f4e subversion-deps-1.5.0-rc11.zip
The SHA1 checksums are:
db41c9126851d48132f9043bad03005b55c9f827 subversion-1.5.0-rc11.tar.bz2
a074ae70d888ceea4134d8d7e89d7a9413d49f77 subversion-1.5.0-rc11.tar.gz
4622c965b2ce77031fb7c7c47f64976ee70d2510 subversion-1.5.0-rc11.zip
d73a5786c19b90985efe82cde5df5e9659553f4c subversion-deps-1.5.0-rc11.tar.bz2
94127f457b0147ecd838954a69d35396df84e831 subversion-deps-1.5.0-rc11.tar.gz
804da50a2c6a792067434a95c83df540dd758cde subversion-deps-1.5.0-rc11.zip
PGP Signatures are available at:
For this release, the following people have provided PGP signatures:
Paul T. Burba [1024D/53FCDC55] with fingerprint:
E630 CF54 792C F913 B13C 32C5 D916 8930 53FC DC55
Karl Fogel [1024D/DB00A248] with fingerprint:
B77E 8FB2 112F 9637 2E3E 3F08 BC9D BB13 DB00 A248
Julian Foad [1024D/353E25BC] with fingerprint:
6604 5A4B 43BC F994 7777 5728 351F 33E4 353E 25BC
Blair Zajac [1024D/DA561D91] with fingerprint:
3FAE C7E1 ADE8 572F 613C F086 C572 2326 DA56 1D91
Hyrum K. Wright [1024D/4E24517C] with fingerprint:
3324 80DA 0F8C A37D AEE6 D084 0B03 AE6E 4E24 517C
Eric Gillespie [2048R/A025C702] with fingerprint:
92E4 5A4B 639C 8187 7421 E7FD 0353 0DAA A025 C702
Mark Phippard [1024D/035A96A9] with fingerprint:
D315 89DB E1C1 E9BA D218 39FD 265D F8A0 035A 96A9
This is a public Release Candidate for Subversion 1.5.0. It contains
a couple of critical bugfixes implemented since the release of
1.5.0-rc9, and does not restart the soak for 1.5.0-final. Pending a
lack of showstopper bugs, it is anticipated that this will become the
final release within 1-2 weeks.
The term 'release candidate' means the Subversion developers feel
that this release is stable and ready to be tested in production use.
If this testing confirms its readiness, this candidate version will
become the final released version. Therefore, we encourage people to
test this release thoroughly.
As a note to operating system distro packagers: while we wish to have
this release candidate widely tested, we do not feel that it is ready
for packaging and providing to end-users through a distro package
system. Packaging a release candidate poses many problems, the
biggest being that our policy lets us break compatibility between the
release candidate and the final release, if we find something serious
enough. Having many users depending on a release candidate through
their distro would cause no end of pain and frustration that we do not
want to have to deal with. However, if your distro has a branch that
is clearly labeled as containing experimental and often broken
software, and explicitly destined to consenting developers and
integrators only, then we're okay with packaging the release candidate
there. Just don't let it near the end users please.
Please note that due to various improvements made to the working copy
library, the working copy format has changed. Using Subversion 1.5.0-rc11
on any working copy created by previous versions of Subversion will
TRANSPARENTLY upgrade your working copy, which means that production-ready
versions of Subversion will no longer be able to read it! Please be careful,
if you have two versions of Subversion running on your machine, to not use
the wrong version on a production working copy. If you inadvertently do
upgrade your working copy, you can use the new
tools/client-side/change-svn-wc-format.py script to restore working copy
compatibility with previous versions of Subversion.
Release notes for the 1.5.x release series may be found at:
You can find list of changes between 1.5.0-rc11 and earlier versions at:
Questions, comments, and bug reports to users_at_subversion.tigris.org.
- The Subversion Team
Received on 2008-06-12 07:06:21 CEST