Daniel Shahaf wrote:
> Liu Yubao wrote on Thu, 29 May 2008 at 10:43 +0800:
>> Eric Brayet wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> A simple way to relocate a svnsync-ed repository is to change the
>>> revision property of the mirror that stores the source repository's URL.
>>> Just use this command:
>>> svn propset svn:sync-from-url --revprop -r 0 <NEW_SOURCE_URL> <MIRROR_URL>
>>> I am not a subscriber of the list, so could you please manage to post
>>> this solution as an answer to your original question ?
>>> Best regards,
>>> Eric B.
>> In fact I tried this at the beginning, it didn't work for me,
>> svnsync complained "svnsync: Malformed URL for repository".
>> I use svnsync v1.4.4 (r25188) distributed by Ubuntu 7.10.
>> (see http://subversion.tigris.org/servlets/ReadMsg?listName=users&msgNo=77710)
>> I checked svn 1.5.0 beta1 on Windows just now, it surprised
>> me `svn ps` did work but `svn pe` didn't! Then I realize
>> the cause is Vim appends an newline character to the <NEW_SOURCE_URL>
>> when I use `svn pe`, stupid mistake:-(
>> Thank you very much! I'll send a copy to svn-dev mail list too, hope somebody
>> there can add the solution to the FAQ or even better add a 'relocate' sub command
>> to svnsync.
> I think it's reasonable to have this command in the FAQ. (It's not
> documented in the book or the FAQ.) Could you write the FAQ entry and
> submit it as a patch against the FAQ source (faq.html in
> http://svn.collab.net/repos/svn/trunk/www)?
The book actually does document svnsync's bookkeeping properties to some
extent -- see the sidebar at the end of the "Repository Replication"[1]
section. But while it mentions svn:sync-from-url, it doesn't explicitly
provide an example of changing it. I've added such an example just now.
C. Michael Pilato <cmpilato_at_collab.net>
CollabNet <> www.collab.net <> Distributed Development On Demand
Received on 2008-06-06 13:39:56 CEST