On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 10:53 AM, Julian Foad
<julianfoad_at_btopenworld.com> wrote:
> Stefan Sperling wrote:
>> On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 02:14:55PM +0100, Julian Foad wrote:
>>> Sorry if this feels like I'm overriding some of your decisions. Let me
>>> know if my reasoning makes sense.
>> It does make sense. However, we already know that people want
>> tree conflicts to work with TortoiseSVN. Now, the Tortoise developers
>> could either invent their own human readable descriptions, or use an
>> API we provide (and which our command line client is using).
> True. I just think it is highly unlikely that Tortoise or any GUI would want
> to use the exact same text that "svn" uses. As a user of Tortoise, I would
> want to see the conflicts in a multi-column list or something like that
> rather than as long strings of plain text. Even if there was to be a
> long-text pop-up description when I hover my mouse pointer over a conflict
> in the list, I still think it is unlikely that I'd want the wording of that
> description to be the same as what "svn" gives.
> But only TortoiseSVN or other client authors could definitively answer this.
Speaking as one of these authors, the best I can say right now is "I
don't know". Ideally I'd probably want an API that makes available to
me all of the conflict information I need to make my own UI. The type
of conflict, and any relevant data I need to give the user to resolve
it etc.
Mark Phippard
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Received on 2008-05-29 16:59:31 CEST