"David Glasser" <glasser_at_davidglasser.net> writes:
> My opinion? The Subversion project shouldn't spend any more time
> trying to make Subversion a better version control tool for non-huge
> open source projects. Subversion is already decent for that task, and
> other tools have greater potential than it. We need to focus on
> making Subversion the best tool for organizations whose users need to
> interact with repositories in complex ways, like: [...]
Nicely said, David. In some ways we've already set out on the mission
you describe -- but it's good to articulate it openly.
We should still continue to make Subversion better for non-huge projects
and for projects that don't have a clear need for decentralized vs
centralized, though. The choice here is of emphasis and general
direction; it's not a stark one-or-the-other thing. Many non-huge
projects will choose Subversion, for lots of reasons, and we should
serve them too. A wide user base means a wide developer base.
I don't think you were really proposing otherwise, and I think your last
sentence above (and the details that followed it) are great at saying
what we should focus on. And yeah, wc-ng is definitely key to making
that stuff maintainable :-).
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Received on 2008-04-23 18:13:52 CEST