Erik Huelsmann wrote:
> we
> had this developer which had the layout for the perfect working copy
> all in his had. He promised to write it all down for about a year and
> a half, then left the project. Now he's allegedly back, but possibly
> he's still lacking time to do what it takes on this front.
Do you mean me? :)
Goodness, I don't think I ever promised anything about WCs, other than
thinking out loud about the sorts of cleaning agents we'll need. :)
>> I'm really worried that we'd get a new WC that assumes the current
>> repository model with all its quirks, and have to do yet another new WC for
>> svn-2.0.
> It wouldn't be new to have to invent the same thing several times:
> Most people learn and develop incrementally. For me, that's perfectly
> fine.
Incremental is fine. What I meant is that it has to be "incrementable"
(is that a word?), unlike the current WC code, which is "rewritable". :)
-- Brane
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Received on 2008-04-03 13:54:26 CEST