On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 1:19 PM, Mark Phippard <markphip_at_gmail.com> wrote:
> I don't know, maybe. My point is that I pay attention to what it is
> going on and I do not have a clue what to do. And I have been
> building on Windows for years. Of course the problem with that is you
> figure it out once ever year or so and then just repeat it. I thought
> I would try the deps files (since my normal build is using older
> dependencies).
> When I build a standard Apache 2.2.8, the apr-util is not built with
> BDB support and this seems to not allow the SVN build to proceed.
> Perhaps it is something simpler I am missing? Perhaps I can use 1.4.6
> and let it build apr and apr-util correctly and then I can copy that?
I'm not sure -- I don't think I've ever built BDB support into
Apache/APR, but I've always built it into Subversion and I don't
recall having any issues. I've never tried to build with the deps
files though.
I will try to make time to play with them this weekend. You're trying
to build the 1.5 pre-releases with their deps files?
Also, I have no attachment to our current Windows build system. If
TSVN's nant scripts or some version of them can be made to work well
then you'll get no hassles from me. I think, as Stefan said, the
issue was that we'd have to maintain two build systems -- but we're at
least partially in that boat already, so I'm not sure we'd be any
worse off. Unfortunately, I don't have much time to help with that,
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Received on 2008-03-13 23:22:15 CET