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Possible bugs in log -g

From: Mark Phippard <markphip_at_gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2008 14:11:41 -0500

This is with trunk code as of r29411

Tests are using merge tracking sample repository.

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Description here:


I have the entire repository (17 revisions) checked out to make
testing easier. Here are some problems I see with the log -g code.

1) You only seem to ever get one set of merged revisions. For
example, when you run this command:

svn log -g trunk

The r17 revision triggers a lot of merge results (lots of which is
incorrect but I will mention later). When the log returns to the main
list of revisions it hits r14, r8 and r6 which all should show
follow-on merge information but do not. My guess is that there is
some code to only show a given revision once and the bug of r17
showing too much is filtering these out?

2) Too much mergeinfo. Incorrect filtering?

svn log -g -r17 trunk

This should really just show r16, but winds up showing a ton more.
r15 gets pulled in and this was a big synch up merge from trunk. So
this should get filtered out.

3) Incorrect mergeinfo

svn log -g branches/b

r12 is a merge from branches/a It should expand to show r11 and does,
but it also includes r7. This is not correct. branches/b was created
in r10 and included r7 in its mergeinfo when it was created.

$ svn pg -r10 svn:mergeinfo branches/b

NOTE: Merge itself handles this correctly. r7 was a blocked revision
and merge correctly does not merge it to branches/b

There are other examples of problems, but I would guess that they are
all variations on whatever is causing these.

Mark Phippard
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Received on 2008-02-18 20:11:53 CET

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