> Author: jerenkrantz
> Date: Sat Dec 29 10:58:18 2007
> New Revision: 28702
> Log:
> Diff: Make -p ignore 'public'/'private'/'protected' C++/Java reserved words.
> + c = apr_array_push(baton.extra_skip_match);
> + *c = "public:*";
> + c = apr_array_push(baton.extra_skip_match);
> + *c = "private:*";
> + c = apr_array_push(baton.extra_skip_match);
> + *c = "protected:*";
This will (mostly*) work for C++ where these keywords have label-like
syntax, but not for Java, where they are modifiers. That said, I've
never seen Java code where one of these keywords would appear in the
first column of a line.
-- Brane
* There can be whitespace between the keyword and the colon in C++.
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Received on Sun Dec 30 06:27:13 2007