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Re: Unexpected behavior in (d)iff while interactively working through conflicts--I think diff3 would be nicer

From: Ben Collins-Sussman <sussman_at_red-bean.com>
Date: 2007-12-13 23:31:19 CET

On Dec 13, 2007 4:06 PM, Brian W. Fitzpatrick <fitz@red-bean.com> wrote:
> Currently if I have a conflict and I update a file, the interactive
> conflict resolution does the following when I ask it to display the
> diff:
> Conflict discovered in 'f3.txt'.
> Select: (p)ostpone, (d)iff, (e)dit, (h)elp for more options : d
> --- .svn/text-base/f3.txt.svn-base Thu Dec 13 15:40:26 2007
> +++ .svn/tmp/tempfile.14.tmp Thu Dec 13 16:01:05 2007
> @@ -1 +1,5 @@
> -foo
> +<<<<<<< .mine
> +moona
> +=======
> +bar
> +>>>>>>> .r2
> What I got was diff2 output, while what I expected was diff3 output.
> The diff2 output between the base and my conflicted file looks
> singularly weird to me. I think showing diff3 output would be a
> little friendlier.
> Thoughts?

What exactly would diff3 output look like?

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Received on Thu Dec 13 23:31:29 2007

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