Vincent Lefevre <> writes:
> First, in some directory (a working copy or a subdirectory), if the
> revision of all the objects is N and the user does a commit and if
> this commit has revision N+1, then all the objects can "safely" be
> automatically updated to revision N+1 (of course, such a feature
> could be optional). The goal of such an automatical update is to
> avoid a mixed-revision directory, which can be annoying (see the
> various complaints about failures due to mixed-revision directories).
> Such a feature could be realized with some 3rd-party script, but it
> would be inefficient. In particular, I suppose that the automatical
> update itself doesn't need a repository access since the only change
> (the commit N+1) happened locally (some additional information may
> be needed in the internal WC data to remember that).
All true, but this would make such commits take longer, perhaps much
longer, and the duration would be inexplicable to most users. I'm not
sure that's worth the benefits...
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Received on Fri Nov 16 23:43:17 2007