Stefan Küng wrote:
> Hi,
> The report below is also reproducible with the CL client. (Compiled from
> r27712).
> The stacktrace (interesting part):
>> msvcr80d.dll!strlen(unsigned char * buf=0x032ffa5c) Line 81 Asm
> TortoiseProc.exe!svn_path_uri_decode(const char * path=0x00000000,
> apr_pool_t * pool=0x01fa87e8) Line 1096 + 0x9 bytes C
> TortoiseProc.exe!svn_client__switch_internal(long *
> result_rev=0x00000000, const char * path=0x01fb7978, const char *
> switch_url=0x01fba7c0, const svn_opt_revision_t *
> peg_revision=0x0012eec4, const svn_opt_revision_t * revision=0x0012eec4,
> svn_depth_t depth=svn_depth_unknown, int * timestamp_sleep=0x00000000,
> int ignore_externals=0, int allow_unver_obstructions=1, svn_client_ctx_t
> * ctx=0x01f4a058, apr_pool_t * pool=0x01fa87e8) Line 156 + 0x2a bytes C
> TortoiseProc.exe!svn_client_switch2(long * result_rev=0x00000000,
> const char * path=0x01fb7978, const char * switch_url=0x01fba7c0, const
> svn_opt_revision_t * peg_revision=0x0012eec4, const svn_opt_revision_t *
> revision=0x0012eec4, svn_depth_t depth=svn_depth_unknown, int
> ignore_externals=0, int allow_unver_obstructions=1, svn_client_ctx_t *
> ctx=0x01f4a058, apr_pool_t * pool=0x01fa87e8) Line 292 + 0x2f bytes C
> The problem:
> switching from a child folder to a parent folder seems to trigger this.
> (I know, not a good idea to do, but segfaults are bad)
More specifically, from a child folder to the root of the repository.
Switching to a non-root parent folder works fine. I'm working on a test,
patch is finished. I'll commit both tonight.
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Received on Thu Nov 8 20:53:41 2007