Karl Fogel <kfogel@red-bean.com> writes:
> A somewhat better answer would be the following escape hatch: only
> bump a particular working copy directory's format number when the 1.5
> client is actually writing out a depth other than infinity. That way,
> only those who actually use the sparse directories features would pay
> the no-downgrading price.
> I have no idea how hard this would be. I'm not sure we always *know*
> the depth at the time we create the working copy administrative area,
> and if we later go back and rewrite the format number, I'm worried
> about creating race conditions. It might be better to be hard-nosed
> but correct, than forgiving but corruptible.
> Thoughts? Should we just bump it?
Hmmm, it seems init_adm() does take a 'depth' parameter, so we might
be able to swing this. I'll spend a few hours on it. If it's done by
the end of that, great; if not, I'll at least know whether doing it is
hard or easy.
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Received on Thu Oct 4 08:12:07 2007