Erik Huelsmann wrote:
> On 9/24/07, Dave Rodgman <> wrote:
>> Nick Thompson wrote:
>>> Subversion 1.4.3 on RHEL3 with Apache 2.0.55
>>> Hi,
>>> Just occasionally, we see that the error output from pre-commit gets
>>> lost. The error is flagged to the client which sees a 409 error
>>> message, but non of the really useful output that the hook generates.
>>> The error text is logged in the apache error_log though:
>>> [Mon Sep 24 09:25:17 2007] [error] [client] 'pre-commit'
>>> hook failed with error output:\nDetected reference to blah blah in
>>> file.x at line 2\nPlease replace with something else\n [409,
>>> #165001]
>>> The user at the client has no idea what to do next until we send them
>>> the error_log message from apache.
>>> I can't determine what the trigger for this behavior is, but it
>>> doesn't always happen. Is it Subversion or Apache problem? I can
>>> upgrade either or both if needs be.
>>> Thanks,
>> Yes, I've observed this problem as well:
>> All I could pin down is that it is only triggered by 1.4 clients. I
>> can reproduce it (via the test harness I use for my hook scripts),
>> but I haven't figured out why certain tests trigger it. Given that
>> I can reproduce, I would be happy to provide more data if this
>> will help get it fixed.
> Your previous report refers to issue 443 which has been resolved as
> FIXED (to be released in 1.5). This code is currently in trunk. Could
> you test with a trunk client to see whether this is still an issue?
Tested with trunk client built from r26763 - this works fine on a
test where the 1.4.3 client fails every time.
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Received on Mon Sep 24 16:31:21 2007