You might be editing the file in the original location for a specific
reason. Having it suddenly and quietly move could be bad. Deleting/
moving is not "just another edit to merge."
On Aug 30, 2007, at 4:09 PM, "Mark Phippard" <> wrote:
> On 8/30/07, Greg Stein <> wrote:
>> IMO, mark the file as a conflict, leaving behind the appropriate bits
>> for the user to see the original and their edits. The user then has
>> to
>> explicitly recognize the problem and run 'svn resolved'
> Why mark the file as conflicts if you can do better? IMO, in the case
> of update, it would work about the same as it would if the file did
> not move. If it could contextually merge the incoming changes it
> will, if not it will product a conflict.
> The difference here is that today we do neither. Your local edits
> become unversioned and the new files comes in as the normal state.
> Mark
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Received on Fri Aug 31 01:23:05 2007