Senthil Kumaran S wrote:
> Hi Kamesh,
> Kamesh Jayachandran wrote:
>> With this code how will you get the mergeinfo on files under a
>> 'merge-target' of depth 'immedeates'?
> With a simple change ie., passing a administrative area lock with
> depth -1, I was able to solve the depth problem for 'svn merge'. It
> applies for all the depth ie., empty, files, immediates, infinity.
I asked this question when you had a 'if (depth == svn_depth_infinity) '
check before walking entries.
Following changes need to be there before declaring that we fixed this
a)Change get_mergeinfo_paths to get only the desired level of depth
entries (Remember you pass recursive adm_access now).
b)Change discover_and_merge_children to do subtree(dir) merge only for
c)Change discover_and_merge_children to remove the corresponding item
from 'children_with_mergeinfo'.
Additional changes apart from this.
a)Disallow deep merge on a shallow working copy.
b)Disallow --depth=empty merges.
> In this case the depth is handled by the function
> discover_and_merge_children. If it is a single file merge it is
> straight forward and we need not care about the depth. In case of
> directory we calculate the children with merge info from
> get_mergeinfo_paths and make use of do_merge (for which we pass the
> depth) function inside discover_and_merge_children which internally
> handles the depth appropriately.
No. It won't work for subtree merges. i.e --depth=immediates on a parent
wc means '--deepth=empty' on its child dir.
With regards
Kamesh Jayachandran
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Received on Mon Aug 27 10:00:12 2007