Freddie Albertsman <> writes:
> I wonder how far you got on merge-tracking for subversion.
> Part of my thesis is to study merge-tracking approaches/problems and
> possibly implement it in subversion.
> Could you give me some tips about starting and building the source code in
> a good way? I mean building it just for developement.
> Thanx in advance, and I hope this is the "right" mailing list for this
> type of quistion.
> P.S I have subscribed on this mailing list.
Others have already answered your questions. This reply is about
helping you help yourself next time.
First, if you do:
search://subversion "merge tracking"/
the top hit will be our pages on merge-tracking in Subversion. They
contain a wealth of information. Did you try that before posting
(The above quasi-URL was shorthand for: use your favorite search
engine -- I tested with Google -- to search for the word "subversion"
and the phrase "merge tracking" simultaneously.)
If you download the Subversion source code (which is easily findable
from our home page), you will find a file named "INSTALL", which has
detailed instructions on building and installing Subversion. Also,
search://subversion building/ shows blog posts on this topic. Did you
try those routes before posting?
Running 'svn log' and searching
the results for "merge-tracking" and "merge tracking" would be an
obvious way to see how far we've gotten on it. Did you try that?
I realize this might all sound a bit harsh, and I don't mean it to be.
I'm glad you want information about merge-tracking in Subversion, and
that you're interested in development. But every time you post here,
your message goes to thousands of people. It would be better to do
basic background research on your own, before asking questions on a
mailing list.
Anyway, is the right place to ask
questions. That's where you ask when the goal is to help yourself
(which sounds like the case here). When your purpose in posting is to
help Subversion, rather than yourself, then dev@ is the appropriate
Again, there's nothing wrong with helping yourself. But we also need
to save this list from avoidable traffic. It's already very busy; we
simply can't afford to answer questions whose answers are easily
findable on the Internet. I hope you understand.
Thanks, and good luck,
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Received on Fri Aug 17 20:33:56 2007