Hila, we're sorry that your experiencing troubles with your Subversion
repository, but your message is not related to the topic of Subversion's
development, and is therefore misdirected as sent to
dev@subversion.tigris.org. In the future, please contact
users@subversion.tigris.org with questions of this sort.
I *can* tell you that this error:
> svn: Can't get exclusive lock on file
> '/SVN/db/transactions/2323-1.txn/rev-lock': No locks available
is not related to *Subversion* locks (as in, 'svn lock some/file/path'), but
OS/filesystem-level locks. I do find it interesting that recovery works for
you, since that operation also takes out filesystem-level locks on the
Perhaps someone on the users@ list can further assist you in this matter.
Hila Afargan wrote:
> Hello,
> We can't make any commit commands to our SVN repository (running SVN on
> Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4) .
> We tried different users on files, and all commit commands failed.
> I also consulted with the users mailing list, but didn't get any
> solution yet.
> Here is an example:
>> svn commit -m "No real change" mainSemphy.h
> Sending mainSemphy.h
> Transmitting file data .svn: Commit failed (details follow):
> svn: Can't get exclusive lock on file
> '/SVN/db/transactions/2323-1.txn/rev-lock': No locks available
>> svn status --show-updates
> M 2323 mainSemphy.cpp
> M 2323 mainSemphy.h
> Status against revision: 2323
> We tried to check if there are any locks:
>> svnadmin lslocks /usr/users/evolution/pupkoSVN
> didn't return any output. So we don't really have any locks. Could it be
> some other issue?
> We also run a recovery which worked ok:
>> svnadmin recover /usr/users/evolution/pupkoSVN
> Repository lock acquired.
> Please wait; recovering the repository may take some time...
> Recovery completed.
> The latest repos revision is 2323.
> Other commands, such as Update does work.
> I also tried to change permissions on the repository but it didn't help.
> I created new repository in my home directory:
>> svnadmin create my_repo
>>mkdir proj/branches
>>mkdir proj/tags
>>mkdir proj/trunk
>>touch proj/trunk/foo.c
>> svn import proj _file:///usr/users/hilaafar/my_repo_ -m "initial import"
> Adding proj/trunk
> Adding proj/trunk/foo.c
> svn: Can't get exclusive lock on file
> '/usr/users/hilaafar/my_repo/db/transactions/0-1.txn/rev-lock': No locks
> available
> Same error message, this time with import.
> How can I fix it?
> Thanks for your help.
> Hila
C. Michael Pilato <cmpilato@collab.net>
CollabNet <> www.collab.net <> Distributed Development On Demand
Received on Thu Aug 2 16:54:14 2007