WC Hacking Question: Different svn_wc_entry_t depending on svn_wc_adm_access_t lock depth
From: Paul Burba <pburba_at_collab.net>
Date: 2007-05-15 19:18:02 CEST
While fixing an update bug in r25023 I came across something that
Let's say we checkout a vanilla greek working copy to WC_PATH with
Then we perform some operation (e.g. svn up --depth immediates) that
The docstring for svn_wc_entry() seems to indicate that this is not ok,
* If @a path is not a directory then @a adm_access must be an access
* access baton for @a path itself is in the same access baton set.
But the call to svn_wc__entry_versioned() succeeds and we get an
Is this what people expect? Do we rely on this behavior?
If so, I'd say the docstring for svn_wc_entry() needs improvement. Do
Paul B.
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