"Mark Phippard" <markphip@gmail.com> writes:
> They are very small XML files, and there are only a few of them. They just
> have Eclipse settings, so for example I could check it out and the JavaHL
> bindings would already be configured as the location for Java code and the
> JUnit JAR file would be in the path for building.
> Eclipse also has C/C++ support. I would do some initial setup for this so
> people could try it, but it would probably need some tweaking to let you build
> and debug in Eclipse. Again, just some XML and other plain text files. Right
> now, it is 3 XML files total. All small. Once we configured rules for code
> formatting etc. There would be a .settings folder added under this same
> location and it would have a few more XML files.
Hmm, is there some reason why contrib/ or tools/ wouldn't work?
I don't care about precedent :-). Eclipse is widely used, the files
are small, let's just make things easy for everyone.
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Received on Wed Mar 21 01:28:10 2007