I've been muttering under my breath for months about how easy it is to
get one's working copy into a state that appears broken (at least to
the uninitiated), and which "svn cleanup" doesn't clean up. But I've
never been able to find a repro scenario. This is frustrating since I
spend a lot of time on #svn, and other people often get their working
copies hosed too, and I don't know what to tell them other than "make
a new wc, copy the changes from the old to the new, commit from the
new, then blow away the old". The advice indeed works, but it's
pretty unsatisfying; it leaves them (and me) with the impression that
subversion is fragile and capricious.
Anyway, I've finally got a repro recipe for one flavor of wc hoseage.
It is, I admit, pretty unrealistic: it does an update that invokes
diff3, but forces diff3 to fail. Here it is. Is this behavior
(namely, "svn cleanup"s failure to make the ! go away) a bug? And if
it's not a bug, oughtn't we document somewhere what to do about it?
It is possible that with more experience and maturity Scorsese
will direct more polished, finished films ...
-- Roger Ebert, 1969
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- text/x-sh attachment: repro
Received on Mon Mar 19 21:41:46 2007