On 3/8/07, C. Michael Pilato <cmpilato@collab.net> wrote:
> But here's my concern. Of the features in the trunk so far that Hyrum as
> touted, I don't really see any that strike me as Big Ones Most Everyone Is
> Clamoring For. I don't say this to diminish the features or the fantastic
> work of those that provided them, but compared to Merge Tracking, they all
> seem to fill somewhat niche-y voids applicable to relatively small sets of
> users.
> So here's a counterproposal -- rather than continuing the recent trend of
> fifteen Subversion committers all working on a individual features by
> themselves, why don't more of the committers try directing a group effort at
> the Merge Tracking problem (the Big One Most Everyone Is Clamoring For)? No
> harm can come from having more eyes on the problem. And it's possible, just
> possible, that we can improve its delivery date in the process, if only by
> improving the quality prior to the release stabilization period.
And continually peeved that "merge the branch into trunk" didn't
happen right after the summit like people had discussed. So here we
are five/six months later without any serious visibility/testing on it
because "oh wah wah, it isn't ready." It will NEVER be ready as long
as it sits on a branch.
Branches were supposed to be for features that could destabilize and
needed to be evaluated before merging. Once it looked like they were
reasonable, then you merge and complete them. I have no idea where the
idea of "trunk is sancrosanct" came from, but it is death to important
feature work. 1.4 is the stable, sancrosanct release. NOT trunk. "Does
the feature generally work? Does it avoid mashing working copies? Does
it keep server data intact?" All yes? Merge the thing. Only during
that "this code will smear your WC over the drive" stage do you keep
it separate.
Am I being unfair because my time isn't contributed? Possibly. Maybe
call me the peanut gallery. But I do know one thing from years of
shipping stuff: what was done with the merge branch is NOT the way to
get software shipped. It is really, really sad to see.
Greg Stein, http://www.lyra.org/
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Received on Wed Mar 14 07:18:10 2007