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Merge tracking and cherry picking only some files in a change set

From: Justin Johnson <justinjohnson_at_gmail.com>
Date: 2007-03-07 23:19:04 CET

I brought this up in a different thread but wasn't getting a response,
and it seemed more appropriate to start a new thread specific to my

First, my understanding is that cherry picking refers to merging a
single complete change set (i.e. revision) instead of the entire list
of revisions that need to be merged. Correct me if I am wrong.

Here's my question.

Will the new merge tracking handle the case when a user merges a
change set (cherry picking) from one branch to another, but only
accepts some of the changes in the change set? For example, if a
change set modified two files and the user only merged the changes
made to one of the files from branch A to branch B, will that merge be
tracked? It seems to me like this isn't possible today with
svnmerge.py, since the merged revision is stored at the root directory
and implies the entire revision (i.e. it has no way to specify only
certain files in that revision). If the property that stores what was
merged was stored on the individual file/directory, someone could
merge parts of a change set at one time if needed, and the rest of it
at another time. Or the user could merge the entire change set, and
before committing decide to revert the changes made to one of the
files but still merge the rest of the changes. The revert on the file
would revert both the merged changes and the property on that file
specifying that the merge took place.


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Received on Wed Mar 7 23:19:27 2007

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