I am currently developping a subversion client in C++.
I have a problem with blank characters existing in my file names.
The svn api says the url of such files is malformed.
How can I encode the file names in such a way that it is considered as a valid url ?
They must be encoded in UTF-8 from what I understood.
That is what I have done, using the utf8 encoder provided with QT.
However, this does not solve my problem.
Apparently, utf8 encoding does not transforrm blank characters into something else, so I must have missed something elsewhere...
I also watched inside the tortoiseSvn source code, but I can't use it since I need a portable (windows / linux) implementation.
Help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Best regards,
Received on Tue Jan 30 09:28:04 2007